i came back last monday (20/10/08) but my heart and soul is still not over my vacation in d phil. ive been forcing my brain to accept d fact dat "the 1month" of freedom and getting together with frends and family, who i miss being with, was finally over. it seems dat it was just yesterday wen im packing my things thinking wat im supposed to do wit my unplanned vacation but back to reality, everything is just part of d memory, which will never be forgotten.
yah, i did enjoyed it so much that im still missing it so badly wishing i stayed longer there. well, unplanned things are really full of surprises. most of them were really suprised when i got der and dat made it very exciting...seeing their faces with shock..ow! ...
so to all my frends who i spend my time with during those times, thank u so much. i really did have a great time. and to those whom i failed to hang out with i'll make it up to you next time. see you then. mwah

yah, i did enjoyed it so much that im still missing it so badly wishing i stayed longer there. well, unplanned things are really full of surprises. most of them were really suprised when i got der and dat made it very exciting...seeing their faces with shock..ow! ...
so to all my frends who i spend my time with during those times, thank u so much. i really did have a great time. and to those whom i failed to hang out with i'll make it up to you next time. see you then. mwah