Saturday, December 3, 2011

Nursing Theories

In our profession, caring for our patient is always our top priority. It should be the central focus of nursing. But CARE alone is not enough; UNDERSTANDING should always come along with it. I believe that CARING plus UNDERSTANDING equals QUALITY Nursing Care.
Caring + Understanding (Knowledge) = Quality Nursing Care.
But how do we better understand our patient? How do we know what they need and how do we give it to them? This is where the importance of nursing theory comes in. It helps to guide Assessment of patient’s needs, its appropriate intervention to satisfy the identified needs and evaluation on how effective the interventions are. Nurses use nursing theory to a certain point of view about patient care. A more accurate understanding will lead to better diagnosis, interventions and treatments. 
Theories undoubtedly created a major impact not only in Nursing Practice but as well as in my personal life.
Thanks God, Theories exist! Here are some of the Theories and how they influenced my life.

1.      Theory of Bandura about Self-efficacy.
            When I was in college, we conducted the thesis about the relationship of confidence level of nursing students and effective performance of nursing Procedures. We sought to find out if confidence affects the performance of nursing students in the clinical area. We are guided by the theory of Bandura. His theory is all about Self-efficacy. A strong sense of efficacy enhances human accomplishment and personal well-being in many ways. People with high assurance in their capabilities approach difficult tasks as challenges to be mastered rather than as threats to be avoided. Such an efficacious outlook fosters intrinsic interest and deep engrossment in activities. They set themselves challenging goals and maintain strong commitment to them. They heighten and sustain their efforts in the face of failure. They quickly recover their sense of efficacy after failures or setbacks. They attribute failure to insufficient effort or deficient knowledge and skills which are acquirable. They approach threatening situations with assurance that they can exercise control over them. Such an efficacious outlook produces personal accomplishments, reduces stress and lowers vulnerability to depression.—(Albert Bandura, 1994). With the help of this theory we are able to prove that there exist a relationship between confidence and effective performance of nursing procedure.

            Thanks to Bandura, I finished my thesis.

2.      Theory of Madeleine Leininger: Transcultural Nursing.
Working here in UAE for almost 3 ½ years allow me to meet people from different walks of life. It is very important for me to learn the culture of my patient in order for me to give appropriate nursing care. Only by being familiar with a patient’s individuality and subsequently incorporating their cultural requirements into the nursing process will be able to provide holistic nursing care.

Thanks to Leininger Im surviving here in UAE.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

deadly nightmares

Scared of deadly nightmare.

“One night, I was asleep and I suddenly woke up. I thought I was awake but I am not.
I was still lying on my bed, it was dark but I can still somehow see my surroundings.
I wanted to get up but I can’t. I am unable to move my body.
I screamed but it seems like no voice is coming out of my mouth. My brother was deeply asleep beside me so he doesn’t know that I’m struggling to move and fighting to breathe. If only he knew for sure he will try to wake me up.  I struggled. I struggled hard for my life.”

            This was my first experience of “bangungot”. I don’t know exactly the English word for it so I personally termed it as a “deadly nightmare” because every time I have this kind of dream, it feels like someone is trying to kill me. I cannot move and I can’t breathe. Moving my big toe while praying at the same time helps me wake up every time I experienced this horrible nightmare. 

I was in high school when I first had this kind of scary dream. My dad used to experience the same thing so he knew what I’m going through most of the night. He told me that it’s related to high salt intake especially before going to bed. I researched about it in the internet. It says there that most of the people who died because of it have hemorrhagic pancreatitis based on autopsy findings.

            How Kurt Lewin’s Change Theory helped me modify my lifestyle:
1.      Stage 1: Unfreezing         
“understanding that change was necessary”

I was scared. Nights with this deadly nightmares became more frequent, I told myself that its time for me to change. What motivate me to modify my lifestyle in terms of dietary habit of high salt intake, is the fear of death. I know that I need to do something or I will just end up dead one night.

2.      Stage 2: Moving (Change or Transition)            
“moving towards a new way”

My dad really helped me a lot by being so strict in my diet. He was also advised to have a low salt diet because of his hypertension so we went through with it together. Ketchup, fish sauce and “toyo-mansi” (Soy Sauce with Kalamansi) are not allowed. I also avoid eating pancit canton and chips including Pringles (sour cream flavor was my favorite).

3.      Stage 3: Refreezing                      
“establishing stability and internalizing the change”

After a month of modifying my diet, scary nights became less. It was not much of a problem to me anymore. I can now sleep peacefully and deeply. When my dad died a year ago, I totally get rid of it. Until now I never experience the same scary night.

… Maybe my dad took it away from me? Or is it the effect of change? ...


Kurt Lewin Change Management Model. Retrieved from

Friday, March 18, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

proud to be a legionary...

I joined the Legion of Mary last 2007. At first, it was by force... like i have no choice but to be with my mom wherever she goes. It was her life here...being part of the Legion was her life...once a week we used to attend the regular meeting. little did i know i was starting to live the same life she has. and i was so grateful. i was thankful because i was lucky...i was lucky to be with our Mother Mary. Can't thank her enough for all the graces i received.

“You must indeed give all to God but give it all with Mary.”

Saturday, January 15, 2011

my personal experience of love

I’ve read so many books that talked about love and I can say that no author is good and qualified enough to define, let alone describe it. We all have our own experience: of love, of loving and of being loved. Some are lucky to find it, others are not. In most cases it comes the least we expect it.

Love takes us by surprise.

Yes, love took me by surprise. It came into my life without me knowing it. It came just like that. It came exactly the time when I was in love with someone else. I was not prepared for it. I was wrong to believe that I was deeply in love with that person. Because if I was I won’t feel any doubt, I won’t let any chance for another one to come into my life.

But, love takes us by surprise.

I met a total stranger who changed the path I was traveling long before. I thought I was living my life the way it should be. I thought I was happy. I thought I didn’t need anyone and anything else and that no one could change the way I’m feeling…but I was so wrong…

…Because Love takes me by surprise.

The new love was greater than I was experiencing. He came and he changed everything. At first I sense that it was merely a feeling that will pass…something that will not last…but I was totally wrong…because it does stay. I don’t know until when but even if it will go for sure it will leave a mark.

Love takes me by surprise.

We had been introduced. We exchanged smile. We talked in a casual way. We chat. We exchange calls and text messages. We stayed like this for months. I was able to know him better. He was able to know me better. We became friends but it didn’t just stop there.

Love takes me by surprise.

Emotions are getting stronger and in everyday it is getting better and brighter. We started feeling in love…until we decided to be “in a relationship”. Our world became bigger. We both became part of each other’s world. I started to call him my “MINE”.

Love takes me by surprise.

We are “in a relationship” for almost a year and 6 months…and I can tell that I was never been this happy and contented in my life. We might not have the perfect boyfriend-girlfriend relationship but it doesn’t matter because we both are willing to compromise for each other. We both will do our best to make things work between us.
