Tuesday, August 26, 2008

what's goin' on?

ITs been a long time since my last post here. I guess i've been very busy with some unnecessary things ...

what's up? what's new?

@@@ busy with my tiring split duty in the clinic

@@@ more time with my family ( my mom and dad)

@@@ playing with my psp...
... done playing legend of heroes which in fact i played twice already.
... thought that monster hunter freedom is quite interesting but becoz i cant slay the Yian kut-ku i stopped it and erased the game in the memory card...totally pissed off
... currently playing final fantasy crisis core and dungeon seige throne.

@@@ busy with my art career...
... maintaing my account in deviant, joining some contest there to avail for a subscription. well, if only i could afford it. waaahhh! but no luck and maybe my deviations are not that very good and impressive. i need to admit that lots of people excel in that field but not me hoping one day i could...

@@@ still waiting for my appointment in the hospital.
its been a year already and i still did not get the job in the hospital. i dont know why it took so long for them to hire me (but never did i consider the possibility that perhaps they just dont want to hire me at all...well, if it will take me a another year to wait maybe i will start thinking about that...waaahhh!)

@@@ trying to reach out to my friends but most of them are too busy already with their own
personal life and career...GOOD LUCK TO ALL!

@@@ deciding what to do first about my plan in taking the NCLEX-RN exam.